Friday, January 4, 2013


I read this blog this morning. It is from December 18, 2012, but it is a post that should be read by every parent or parent to be. It is a very sad post, so please, if you're anything like me, have some tissues near you when you read it. My sweatshirt sleeves are soaked at the wrists.

Meggie's Story

Today I will be thinking of everything I need to secure in my house. I don't know if it will ever get done, but I think once I tell Josh this story, or let him read it, whatever, he will very well do it on his own. With a 4 year old and 2 1/2 year old who love to climb on the dressers and toy box, I think this will hit home with him too. I know our main toy box is already attached to the wall...the plastic one is not. That one will be gone soon anyway, with another of our "main" ones being put in an attached. Their toy collection is growing rapidly and we need more space for them to put them. I may get rid of their plastic drawer bins and get more of the top part of their main toy boxes. I do not know yet.

In Ric's and Cara's rooms, I will be securing their dressers to the wall. They don't climb Cara's dresser...yet...but there is a chair in her room (which they aren't supposed to be in unless Josh or I are in there anyway...Cara still sleeps with us every night thanks to night terrors and nightmares) for them to climb on to get to whatever they want on top of her dresser. Ric's dresser they climb themselves for whatever reason. Ric's is diaper changes. I haven't seen Cara on top of it for a long time. The other dressers in Ric's room (the ones for his actual clothes) have never been climbed. Those ones definitely need to be attached to the wall though....they would tip over in an instant if he or Cara ever tried to climb them.

Our TV in the living room is secured to the wall...the TV in my bedroom is secured to the entertainment system, but that is not secured to the wall. We are getting rid of it sometime soon, so I'm not worried too much about that one. Josh's dresser needs to be secured to the wall's even almost fallen over on me while putting clothes away, but the room is closed off to the kids so I've never worried much about it before.

Please, keep your children and any other child that comes into your home a little safer.

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