Friday, December 10, 2010

Friday Fill In!

So, I'm a little late. We had some problems this morning and I didn't get around to it until now. Hubby had some car problems this morning...on his way to work one of his tires blew out. I had to wake the kids up at 6:30AM to drive to the dealership and wait for him to get there with the tow truck. We have over $300 in damages because the rim is completely trashed. He's without a car for a week. Yuckie! Oh well! Life goes on!

On to the fill in!!! Don't know that anyone will be really interested but that's okay :)

1. What do you see your life like in 10 years?
In 10 years, my 4th child should be around 6 years old. Wookie will be out of the Navy and working somewhere here in Washington. My parents will be out here (I hope). We'll have a dog and hopefully still our cat. I'll be able to read and blog a lot more. I might be able to have a part time job too if I want and find something I like. I'll have smaller boobs and hopefully have a better body by then too!

2. What do you like most about your job?
I love that I'm the one raising my kids, not some daycare or nanny or something. I love seeing the changes every day and seeing the love in their eyes and smiles. It's so wonderful. Nothing will ever top this!

3. What are three things you do every day, no matter what day it is?
Use the bathroom, Hug my kids, Think about Wookie (if he's home, I kiss him, if he's out to sea, I "talk" to him before bed in my head)

4. What would you do with an extra five hours in the day today?
Sleep, be online, read, take a couple hot showers...I don't know really.

5. What is your favorite Christmas (or whichever holiday you celebrate) cookie recipe (please share!)?
My favorite is an Anise Seed cookie. It's amazing! It's a secret family recipe though so I can't post it. They are the only Christmas cookie I've ever had though! The reason it's a secret family recipe is because my Mimi was given the wrong recipe and it was supposed to take horrible (my Pipi's sisters didn't like her so they changed things in their mom's recipe). Turns out, the recipe was BETTER than the original! I'm making them for the first time this year by myself!


  1. Oh, you make me laugh! I want to try your cookies when you make them. Sorry to hear about the car!

  2. Oh Poe! You'll get some! Are you participating in the cookie exchange on Wednesday? I'll be making a couple extra batches...Josh is REALLY looking forward to them! We haven't had them since 2008.

  3. New follower :)
    I picked sleep as well. Seems like as parents we can't get enough, lol.

  4. Christina, especially with new ones and ones that have nightmares throughout the night.
