Friday, May 20, 2011

Friday Mil-Spouse Fill In #41

1. What is one of the things you always do special when your husband returns from a deployment? submitted by Keep Calm and Soldier On
The only real thing we do is spend time together and with the kids. We go out to dinner if we have the money too, but that's not a guarantee :)

2. What do you do to help your spouse and/or yourself re-adjust after a deployment or long separation? submitted by Diapers, Dogs and Deployments
We don't need too much adjusting. I mainly just make sure he has time with the kids so they can get reacquainted...he and I just kind of fall back into the routine.

3. Are you a crazy coupon clipper (I'm becoming one, so share your secrets with me)? submitted by Married My Airman
Nope...I always seem to forget my coupons when I go shopping. It's kinda sad.

4. What's your most treasured memory of you and your spouse (not counting your wedding - that's a given)? submitted by Scrubs, ACUs and One Crazy Ride
I would have to say the look on his face when he saw his son for the first time. I don't remember his face the first time with his daughter since he was there when she was born, but he didn't meet his son until 8 weeks after I had him. The look was priceless.

5. If you could live anywhere overseas, what would you pick and why? submitted by Little Moments Like This
Does it have to be on a military base? If so, Japan because I have always wanted to go to that base and live there or Italy because my friend Amy is moving there this summer...if not, probably Ireland because it just looks so beautiful there or Switzerland because the little part of that country I visited I absolutely fell in love with!

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